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Compassionate Spay & Neuter Clinic in Makawao

Makawao Veterinary Clinic believes that spaying or neutering your pet is a responsible and important decision for your pet’s health. Our vet clinic provides your pet with safe and effective reproductive care to help them maintain a healthy life. We take time to get to know our patients and their families and build a foundation of trust with the animals that visit our pet hospital. We want you to feel confident in the care that your pet receives from us, and we are excited to start a lifelong relationship with you and your beloved companion.

Our team of veterinarians is experienced in pet care and can help guide your decision surrounding your pet’s reproductive health. Our clinic offers reliable services using advanced tools, allowing us to give quality care to your pets with a comforting touch. Whether you want to help prevent unwanted breeding or reduce your pets’ risk for reproductive health complications, our practice can help. Call us to find out more about our Makawao spaying and neutering procedure today!


What’s the Difference Between Spaying & Neutering?

Although spaying and neutering both sterilize your pet, there is a difference between the two procedures. Another common term is fixing your pet. Spaying is the process of sterilization that occurs on female pets where we completely remove their uterus and ovaries. When neutering a male pet, our vet removes the testicles.

3 Benefits of Spaying or Neutering

There are copious benefits to having your pet spayed or neutered, and our team will be happy to walk you through all these advantages. You can expect us to explain our process and help you decide on the right choice for your pet’s well-being. Some benefits to consider when having your pet undergo this procedure include:


Preventing Unwanted Offspring

If your female cat or dog is unspayed, they will naturally enter a breeding season lasting for several weeks at least once a year. Each breeding season, unfixed pets are drawn to one another which can lead to unwanted litters. Complications can arise during birth that may affect your pet's quality of life, or you may have difficulty finding homes for these babies.

Mitigating Health Risks

Having your pet undergo a spaying or neutering surgery can help reduce their risk of developing reproductive complications or illnesses. Unspayed females could develop mammary tumors or an infection in their uteruses, while unneutered males can develop testicular cancer.

Reducing Certain Behavioral Issues

Neutering your male cat or dog can help prevent them from feeling the urge to roam or reduce certain behaviors like leg lifting or mounting.

Our Procedure Process

Spaying and neutering procedures are a delicate process, and our vet team’s experienced and steady hands will help keep your pet comfortable. We offer pretreatment exams that assess your pet’s overall health and can determine if your pet is capable of handling a surgical procedure and anesthesia. Once your surgery consultation is completed, then our vet will discuss spaying and neutering options for your pet so you can determine the right course of action.

During the procedure, our team will monitor your pet’s vitals while they are under anesthesia. We perform this surgery during the day so we can get your pets home to you as quickly as possible. Our vet will go over aftercare instructions and post-operative pain management to help with a speedy recovery.

Spay & Neuter FAQs

While spaying or neutering your pet is an admirable and responsible decision, there are things to consider about your pet’s health. Our team is available to answer any questions or concerns you have about our spay and neuter services or practice. Some questions that have been asked include:

Does spaying or neutering cause pets to gain weight?

No, this idea is a misconception. While spaying or neutering can lead to lower metabolism, regular exercise and a balanced diet can help promote a healthy weight for your pet.

Can pets become less affectionate when spayed or neutered?

Not at all. Usually, your pet can become more affectionate. With the need for a mate eliminated, they tend to be calmer and display more affection towards their pet parent.

When is the right time to spay or neuter my pet?

Cats are normally spayed or neutered around 8 weeks. While with dogs, we usually recommend sometime between 2 and 9 months old. Regardless of your pet’s age, it’ll be beneficial for our vet to evaluate your pet’s case for specific guidance.

What should I do after my pet's procedure?

After the surgery, we recommend keeping your pet home with minimal activity for a few days. Our vet will guide you in their post-operative care and needs. While your pet may lose their appetite right after the procedure, it usually returns with time.

Caring Spay & Neuter Clinic in Makawao

Our practice is ready to help your pet receive quality reproductive care. At Makawao Veterinary Clinic, our spaying and neutering procedures are done with precision and effectively help promote longevity for your pet. Our spay and neuter clinic is ready to deliver reliable procedures for every pet that needs our skilled and compassionate care. Contact our practice in Makawao for your pet’s spaying and neutering procedure today!