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Chinchilla Care Tips From A Veterinarian

March 15, 2024

National Chinchilla Day is coming up on March 23rd! These adorable little balls of fur are becoming increasingly popular. Chins can make excellent pets, but they do require proper care to thrive. A local Maui, HI veterinarian explains some basics of chinchilla care below.

What Should I Know Before Adopting a Chinchilla?

Chinchillas aren’t the most demanding pets on our lineup, but they do require a lot of attention. While you may not need to do much on a daily basis, it is important to understand the do’s and don’ts of caring for your tiny floofer.

Potential adopters should be aware that these guys have significantly longer life spans than other small animals. Chins can live for ten or even fifteen years, which is equivalent to the lifespan of many dogs! They are also extremely sensitive to heat.

Are Chinchillas Cuddlers?

Once your pet becomes accustomed to you and feels safe with you, they may not mind being held. However, many Chinchillas prefer to be admired from a distance or gently petted, rather than held. 

You can bond with your tiny companion by talking to them, playing with them, and providing toys and treats. These little balls of fur can be quite the little characters!

What Are The Drawbacks Of Having A Chinchilla?

Each of our animal friends has distinct characteristics. It really boils down to what you want. What is beneficial to one individual may be detrimental to another.

That said, there are a few potential deal breakers. 

Chinchillas require relatively moderate temperatures, so if you prefer a warm environment, they may not be the best fit. They’re nocturnal, so they are not particularly quiet at night, and they also require a lot of room to run. 

Another factor to consider is their longevity. Before adopting one of these guys, or any other animal, do your research thoroughly.

What Kind of Cage Do Chinchillas Need?

Because chins enjoy jumping and climbing, you’ll need something that’s taller than it is wide. It should be at least 2′ long by 2′ wide. A multi-tiered cage is typically an excellent choice. Select something with solid floors. The walls should be mesh, with openings spaced less than 1 inch apart. Avoid plastic habitats, as your pet may gnaw on it. 

For substrate, use paper-based bedding materials. Wood shavings might cause irritation, so avoid using them. Make sure to include plenty of toys, as well as appropriate hiding places, such as small boxes and tents. That includes chew toys! Climbing branches are also a must! Ask your Maui, HI veterinarian for more information. 

What Illnesses Can Chinchillas Get?

Chins, like any other pets, are susceptible to various ailments and disorders. It is important to understand common illnesses and symptoms. The more familiar you are with these, the easier it will be to identify them.

Here are a few of the main ones:

Dental Trouble: Chins, like other creatures with open-rooted teeth, are highly susceptible to dental problems. If your tiny friend is unable to wear down their teeth, they may develop some quite painful conditions.

Ringworm: Chinchillas are especially vulnerable to ringworm, which, despite its name, is a fungus rather than a worm. The problem is treatable, but you’ll need to take your little buddy to the vet right away.

Overheating: Chinchillas come from the dry, arid Andes. They are not really made for hot or humid settings, and they can overheat even at temperatures that many people consider to be rather comfortable. Maintain an indoor temperature of 80°F or below, and keep your pet’s cage out of direct sunlight. Your furry pal may need air conditioning in hot weather.

Fur Issues: These tiny fellas’ soft fur makes them adorable and pettable, but it can cause difficulties. If your chin is lonely, stressed, anxious, or terrified, it may chew itself. This could also happen due to hormonal or other health conditions.

Digestive Issues: a wide range of problems fit into this category. These include parasites, bad nutrition, and other factors. Chins cannot vomit, so  gastrointestinal ailments are quite dangerous to them.

What Are Signs Of Sickness In Chinchillas?

Keep a keen lookout for indications that something is wrong. Some of the things to watch for include the following:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation (Lack of fecal pellets)
  • Discharge from the eyes or nose
  • Fur loss
  • Withdrawal
  • Chewing themselves
  • Lethargy
  • Restless/unusual behavior, such as pacing
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Lumps, bumps, or lesions
  • Excessive thirst
  • Sensitive/sore paws
  • Bloat
  • Open-mouthed breathing
  • Panting
  • Drooling
  • Pawing At The Mouth
  • Lack of interest in bathing
  • Uncharacteristic silence
  • Dirty bottom

If you observe any of these symptoms, contact your Maui, HI animal clinic immediately.

What Should A Pet Chinchilla Eat?

Chinchillas have special dietary requirements. Their teeth are open-rooted, as are those of many other tiny mammals. In the wild, this helps them chew through many hard plants and roots without permanently damaging their teeth. 

Your pet will require a substantial amount of fiber. You’ll need to provide infinite amounts of hay. This can be supplemented with a tiny amount of commercial pellet food and some dark, leafy greens. Your little buddy will also enjoy nibbling on safe branches like apple, pear, and blackberry. Take care not to offer anything that has been treated with pesticides.

Like any other pet, they will require fresh water.

Chinchillas do not need treats. In fact, serving your little buddy too many snacks may cause more harm than good. However, you can occasionally serve plain Cheerios, hibiscus leaves, or blackberry leaves. Your pet may also love fresh, safe herbs like oregano, peppermint, and lavender.

It’s equally crucial to understand what not to provide. That list contains the following:

  • Dried Fruit
  • Grain Nuts Seeds
  • Branches From unsafe/unknown trees
  • Chocolate 
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine

Ask your Maui, HI veterinarian for precise guidance on this. Never give your tiny buddy anything unless you are certain it is safe!

Where Did Chinchillas Come From?

Chinchillas originated in South America. They were once quite plentiful, but their fur has long been sought after. Their numbers have dropped drastically in recent decades. Wild chinchillas are becoming increasingly scarce.

Do Chinchillas Need Grooming?

Chinchillas are pretty clean. You won’t need to bathe your pet, at least not in the traditional manner. In fact, you shouldn’t wash your chin with soap and water. Their fur is not meant to get wet and will take a long time to dry. This may cause skin irritation. Plus, you’ll be dealing with a wet, unhappy furball!

Chinchillas clean themselves using dust baths. You will need to provide a suitable container and clean dust. (Tip: Keeping dust in the refrigerator, especially during the summer, will help your pet stay cool.) Seeing your tiny buddy having a spa day is definitely adorable!

Most chins should have dust baths three times per week. Be sure to use store-bought dust. Sand is too abrasive and may harm your pet’s skin or eyes. 

How Can I Tell If My Pet Chinchilla Is Happy?

Chinchillas have several cute methods of expressing affection. When your pet sees you, they may wag their tail or run around with excitement. They sometimes physically jump for joy. This is known as popcorning, and it is very, very cute.

Your chin may also nibble you softly. This is frequently a way to express affection. Of course, if your pet does this while you are holding them, it could indicate that they wish to be put down.

Do you have any queries about chinchilla care? Contact us at your local Maui, HI pet hospital, at any time! We’re here to help! 

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